It’s easy to be fascinated when you start something new. People often take pictures on the first day of school, start travel journals when they’re early in their adventures, and blogging often comes easier to new PCVs rather than those who’ve been in country a while. But just because things aren’t “new” anymore doesn’t mean it’s not worth the effort to document our journey. Whether it’s taking pictures or video, journaling or blogging, sometimes those who’ve been immersed in something longer can bring a richness and depth that newer eyes struggle to see.

One thing that’s helped me take a second look at our now ordinary way of life is participating in photo challenges with groups like Blogging Abroad. I know I’ll look back on our PC time one day and thing, “ugh…why didn’t I take a picture of _______ when I had the chance?” I’m notorious for having a camera around and forgetting to actually take any pictures. Having a theme to focus on each month has helped me look for the small pieces of our lives here that I’m sure one day I’ll miss. Only this time, I’ll have a picture to look back on.

I invite any an all PCVs who want to take more pictures of their service, need a theme in which to focus on, and/or want to focus a bit more on sharing culture to join the photo challenge and make sure to tag us at #peacecorpsnicaragua.
