
Va Pue Magazine

Peace Corps Nicaragua stories of service.



Nica 63 Exit Interviews

Nica 63 COSed in May 2016. Over the next few weeks, we will share some of their final thoughts and words of wisdom here on the blog in the form of VaPué Exit Interviews.

Are you an RPCV in Nica 63 (or an older generation) but didn’t get to respond to the Exit Interview Qs? Never fear, the questions are here: Continue reading “Nica 63 Exit Interviews”

Hello from the Other Side

Katherine / Nica 62 / TEFL

Sorry if I got Adele’s song stuck in your head now from the title (after all, I do love a good karaoke session…). It seems fitting that Adele’s song became so popular just as I touched down again in the United States after being ‘on the other side’ or ‘returned’ side of service. So, here I am to share some thoughts.

A few weeks ago, I started to peruse through my old journals, journals that I had kept throughout my time in Peace Corps. In particular, I looked at some of my final writings and essays right before I left Nicaragua. I was in a nostalgic mood on a rainy and dreary Philadelphia afternoon. I wanted to know- what was I thinking and feeling during those final moments that were only a few mere months ago but currently feel like decades in the past? Continue reading “Hello from the Other Side”

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